Precision Compensation Planning & Management

No matter what is holding back your compensation program, Decusoft Compose is the answer.

Complex plans, real-time processing, data analytics, budgeting, scenario modeling, data integration, employee communication; we take care of all of it in one system, and deliver it your way

Decusoft Does It All

The Compose Platform does not impose a preconceived structure on your compensation plans and review process. It adapts to your unique compensation plan types, no matter how complex.

Compose makes every other compensation-related task as easy and intuitive as possible.

Flexible planning for an agile workforce

  • Any compensation structure and calculation
  • Flexible budget tracking
  • Planning workflow and authorization hierarchy
  • Customizable dashboard, analytics, and reports

Real-time analytics for smarter decisions

  • Budget modeling and scenario analysis
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Pay transparency
  • Benchmark comparisons

Powerful technology for smooth operations

  • Central data repository integrates all HR, benefits, and performance data
  • No-code technology enables users to set up client-specific fields, calculations, views and reports
  • Flexible role-based security
  • Comprehensive total rewards statements

Manage The Optimal Compensation for Each Team

With Compose, organizations can stay ahead of rapidly shifting worker preferences and labor market competition by managing a precise package of salary, incentives, and benefits that will attract, motivate, and retain the workforce they need.

Maximum Flexibility

  • Plan any type of compensation, including salary, bonus, commission, equity, carried interest, deferred compensation, one-time payments, sales compensation, equity, vesting, and more.
  • Automatically calculate incentives based on any combination of metrics or goals using the precise formula and structure you need.
  • Tie incentives to individual, team, or company performance—or use a weighted combination.

Exceptional Exception Handling 

  • Vary plans by team and/or location.
  • Review cycles on any schedule and on-demand.
  • Automatic proration based on your plan rules.
  • Easy overrides and guarantees.
Decusoft supports any type of compensation plan

No-Code Technology

Compensation software - Decusoft

Compose is built entirely with no-code technology, enabling business users to configure every aspect of the system. No more submitting tickets to an IT department or vendor.

  • Configure every data element, calculation, display, and workflow rule.
  • Build or modify a compensation program in a fraction of the time that traditional code-based systems take.
  • Every formula and rule is exposed and easily understood, making it easy to audit and modify the system.

Decisions Based On The Most Reliable Information

Set Precise Budgets

  • Assign budgets to departments and teams with a bottom-up or a top-down methodology.
  • Set separate budgets for salary, bonus, or other compensation types.
  • Work with multiple currencies

Plan Comp In Local Currencies

  • See the combined budget impact in a single currency.
  • Use different conversion rates (e.g., spot or average rates) for each field.

Compose AI

Compose AI is an integrated artificial intelligence capability within the Compose compensation planning platform that enables Compose clients to query their database with conversational prompts.

Ask any question and get insights on:

Give Every Manager Everything They Need (but nothing they shouldn’t see)

With a centralized process, Compose streamlines compensation recommendation and approval processes, minimizing the risk of data errors and security breaches.

Flexible Review Process

  • Compensation recommendations can be routed first to planning managers, then to any number of upper-level managers for approvals.
  • Approval hierarchy can differ from supervisory reporting relationships.
  • Approval screens can be customized, and include email notifications to speed up the review process.

Efficient Planning Grids

  • Planning managers enter compensation recommendations in a familiar spreadsheet-like interface.
  • Grids display all relevant information for each employee —e.g., salary history, performance ratings, compensation plan elements.
  • Grid elements can vary by department or team.

Guideline-Adherence Guardrails

  • Recommended target compensation for each employee.
  • Running total of budget allocations.
  • Configure warnings or hard stops for out-of-range compensation.
  • Display analytics for each team so managers can support company goals for diversity, pay equity, career progress, etc.
Compensation warning system built in

Role-Based Security

mitigate security risk with compensation management software

Compose gives administrators total flexibility to define the information that each user can access and the actions they can perform.

  • Information availability is automatically updated as employees join and leave teams.
  • Human resources business partners can have live visibility into the reviews of the teams they support.
  • State-of-the-art SOC 2 certified platform security.

Engage Employees With A Comprehensive View Of Their Compensation

Compose automatically generates attractive total rewards statements that highlight everything employees should know about their salary, incentives, and other benefits.

Complete Picture

  • Statements include information about all benefits, including salary, incentives, equity, healthcare, retirement accounts, deferred compensation, and lifestyle benefits.
  • Automatic variation by team, location, union status, and
    other factors

Compelling Format

  • Customizable templates produce rich, engaging statements that are consistent with corporate design standards.

Easy To Produce

  • Statements are automatically generated and delivered to employees as secure PDF files.

Data Integration

Compose creates a central repository of information that easily integrates with every system that touches employees: HCM and payroll platforms, benefits providers, performance evaluation, finance, and more. It also ingests benchmark and other reference information from multiple providers.

  • Data can be imported as needed or on a regular schedule.
  • Automatically update HR systems with revised compensation.

Achieve HR Goals With Real-Time Insights

Whatever your objective, Compose can chart your progress in real-time with powerful reports, dashboards and interactive pages drawn from its library of compensation and performance information.

Pay Equity

  • Comprehensive visualizations of compensation distribution by demographic and other relevant factors.
  • Monitor performance evaluations, salary progression, and other measures for a full view of pay equity issues.
  • Dashboards for senior executives, board members, and investors.

Performance Calibration and Benchmarking

  • Import 3rd party benchmarking data to evaluate your employees’ compensation against industry benchmarks.
  • Ensure consistency of evaluations and rewards between teams.

Tracking and Controls

  • Compare actual compensation decisions against the budget.
  • Log every action by person and time to ensure easy tracking and analysis.
DEI & Analytics

Report & Dashboard Designer

DEI data updated in real-time graphics

Compose enables users to modify any of the built-in dashboards and reports. Or they can design their own from scratch. Data can be imported as needed or on a regular schedule.

  • Report wizards make it easy to create sophisticated views drawing from multiple data tables.
  • Display information as preset PDF reports, dashboard visualizations, or interactive pages.
  • Define the scope of any report: A single employee, a group of employees, or totals by organizational unit.

Companies that rely on Compose

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