Solutions to deliver

amazing employee experiences.

Helping to build a definition of compensation that is inherently connected to your company’s culture and its promise to its employees— and putting you in total control at every step.
Young people in co-working creative space

Our Story

Since our inception in 2002, Decusoft has been recognized for our ability to solve unique challenges faced by the companies we work with.  Over the last two decades we have become true compensation specialists, and we are amazing at it!   

Our Compose compensation suite (and the core calculation engine that powers it) is simply stated, world-class, frankly speaking we do things that other systems cannot do – but Compensation is just the start.  Decusoft today is all about the total employee experience.  We connect compensation and performance to your company’s unique and evolving goals and changing budgets. Our tools and insights help you do your part to attract, engage, and retain top talent and give them the things they need to do the amazing and impactful work they’re capable of doing.  

We don’t see compensation as a static, one-size-fits-all promise.  

Instead, we see it as a dynamic, responsive part of an employee’s experience — specifically tailored, ever-evolving, and embracing the results of your employee’s best work every step of the way. We deliver you the tools that put you in control of creating a more fluid expression of compensation, one that creates the spark that helps ignite your peoples’ desire to achieve incredible outcomes, every day. 

Connect with us and learn how you can ignite amazing at your organization! 

Our Team

Leadership Team

We are a Software as a Service (SaaS) company but make no mistake, we take the Service part to heart to provide the best-in-class Service and support experiences to our clients worldwide.

Rick Kushel Executive Chairman Decusoft
Rick Kushel

Executive Chairman

Jim Weber President of Decusoft
Jim Weber

President & Chief Executive Officer

Hank Boggio CCO of Decusoft
Hank Baggio

Chief Commercial Officer

Rebecca Baker SVP of Client Success Decusoft
Rebecca Baker

SVP, Client & Sales Enablement

Kal Patel is the CTO of Decusoft
Kal Patel

Chief Technology Officer

Steve Kerrick Chief Product Officer Decusoft
Steve Kerrick

VP of Product Management

Dan Roche Director of Marketing at Decusoft
Dan Roche

Director of Marketing

Steve Kratz VP of Engineering at Decusoft
Steve Kraatz

VP of Engineering

Rick Laurenzo Decusoft
Rick Laurenzo


Our Team

Board of Directors

Rick Kushel Executive Chairman Decusoft
Rick Kushel

Executive Chairman & Board Member

Lokesh Seth Board of Decusoft
Lokesh Seth

Board Member

Rick Holton Decusoft Board Member
Rick Holton

Board Member

Bob Laurenzo Client and Business Development Decusoft
Bob Laurenzo

Head of Client & Business Development / Board Member

Our investors & Partners

We are lucky to be supported by
great advisors and partners.