Carried Interest

Alternative Investment firms leverage Compose to manage carried interest allocations and reporting for their participants and fund managers alongside other traditional variable compensation plan structures.

Participant Carry Allocations

Compose enables you to manage Carried Interest simply from our easy to use planning grid. Giving complete control to planners and admins to administer directly from Compose. 

  • Management of carried interest allocations or co-investment commitment
  • Percent, amount, or points-based allocations with fund eligibility calculations
  • Calculation of current and future value of carry
  • Carry dollars at work calculation
  • Configuration of any number of vesting schedules for participant allocations
  • Inclusion of carry in total compensation calculations
  • Configuration of separation rules with allowable overrides

Carry Communication Statements

Being able to administer your Carried Interest within Compose gives you the ability to create, automatically run, and securely distribute a variety of reports to keep your employees informed.

  • Generation of carry-specific participant letters or inclusion of a carry section on an employee communication statement
  • Secure distribution by admins, managers, or via employee self-service for ease of distribution
  • Configured manager/employee self-service to view carry history
  • Customize any reports or statements to include year-over-year progress

Portfolio / Fund Manager Views

Managing Carried Interest in Compose means that you can view and report on all your information in one place. Separate views for employees, managers, and admins make the process secure and reliable. But more importantly, the data is complete and easy to interpret.

  • See allocations by fund, even without direct reporting access
  • Secure access across funds, where applicable
  • Track and view allocations over time by fund or portfolio
  • Calculate the present value and potential future value of individual funds and aggregate totals
  • Analytics of value and distributions over the lifetime of a fund

Manager / Participant Self-Service

Users, both employee and managers have the ability to track and view the information that they want to monitor. Carry becomes easy to track across the organization. 

  • Tracking of participant carry history
  • Track and view allocations and distributions over time

Learn more about the benefits of tracking carried interest in Compose by contacting us today.